
Professional R-290 Refrigerant

EPA Approved R290 Refrigerant For Use As Per EPA Regulations 40 CFR Part 82.17

A new wave of hydrocarbon refrigerants is beginning to replace outdated and harmful CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) and HFC (hydrofluorocarbon) based refrigerants. Leading the way is R290, a refrigerant grade propane, that is not only safer for the environment but has also shown to significantly improve energy efficiency when compared to previous refrigerants.

While propane is combustible, studies have concluded that using R290 showed no change in reliability, safety or performance over traditional equipment. This is in part due to the comparatively small volume of R290 needed to act as a refrigerant in the systems tested. In fact some tests showed that less than half the amount was needed versus older synthetic refrigerants (HFC’s). When comparing the same freezer and chiller units, those fitted for R290 outperformed the R-134a counterparts by nearly 30%.

More than one and a half billion hydrocarbon refrigerators and freezers are already being used in homes and business worldwide!

This natural refrigerant has been found to be one of the best suitable and maintainable for long-term refrigeration needs. Having similar thermodynamic properties to man-made refrigerants, R290 stands above them as a non-toxic and non-ozone depleting alternative.

Additionally, R290 has no global warming potential; and due to lower system pressures, has less chance refrigerant leaks due to wear and tear. As the push for safer and more effective refrigerants rises, R290 and other hydrocarbon refrigerants will continue to gain popularity.


For use ONLY in units calling for R290. As per use with any Flammable substance, take adequate precautions during use. Always refer to the EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy list (SNAP) for a comprehensive list of acceptable uses. https://www.epa.gov/snap/snap-regulations.com


  • Refrigerators
  • Freezers
  • Dehumidifiers
  • Window AC Units


  • Ice Machines, Refrigerators
  • Grocery Store Freezer, Soda Machines
  • Restaurant Equipment, Drinking Fountains
  • Wine Coolers, Beer Keg Lines

Manufacturers Using R-290

  • TRUE Refrigeration
  • Turbo Air
  • IDW Royal Vendors
  • Delfield
  • Traulsen
  • Imbera
  • Kelvinator Commerical
  • Liebherr
  • Norpole
  • Machine Chef

About Hydrocarbon Refrigerants

Though a growing number of hydrocarbon (HC) refrigerants are gaining popularity, R290 (propane) and R600a (isobutane) are the two most frequently found in HVACR applications today.

R290 is predominantly found in commercial heat pump, air-conditioning, freezer, and refrigeration applications while R600a is generally found in both residential and commercial refrigerators and freezers.

Not only touted for their environmental benefits, hydrocarbon refrigerants also boast significant cost savings for heating, cooling, and freezing applications.

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